Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's Day

This will be the first mother's day without my mother. It is particularly hard as I miss her presence very much. I miss the way she laughed. It was loud. Come to think of, she was just loud, more so as her hearing started to deteriorate. I miss her stories and gossips of friends and relatives. I miss stopping by her house to eat filipino dishes. I miss the way she lived, according to her terms.

I miss her phone calls. She would call me up at home and ask "are you home?" That used to really bug me. I would think up of ways that I could possibly answer that question...although I never dared. She would also call me to run errands for her. I always thought it was such a bother.

But here I am, facing mother's day. If I only knew, what I know now...If I had more days with her...if only she would call and ask if I was at home...if only she would ask me to run errands for bothersome as she may have been, as annoying and bossy as she could be...if only she was here, I could tell her how much I love her and appreciate all the things she did for me...if only...